Lahore: The PCB chairman Mohsin Naqvi has made it clear that it is not possible for Pakistan to travel to India for tournaments in future while India continue to refuse to send the team to the neighbouring nation, a situation he termed “unequal.” The fate of the Champions Trophy hangs in balance after BCCI conveyed to ICC its inability to send the team to Pakistan, and the global body has convened a virtual meeting of its executive board members on Friday to take a final decision.“It is just not possible that while Pakistan keeps on going and playing in India all events the Indian authorities are not willing to send their team to play in Pakistan. We can’t have such an unequal situation,” Naqvi told reporters last night at the Gaddafi stadium during a visit to inspect the construction work.Naqvi, however, played it safe regarding the ‘Hybrid’ model for the Champions Trophy, as earlier he had asserted that PCB would not accept the proposed format.“All I can assure is whatever happens in the meeting we will come out with good news and decisions which will be accepted by our people,” he said.Naqvi hoped that Jay Shah, who will take over as the ICC Chairman December 5, would take decisions based in the interest of world cricket and all member boards.“Jay Shah takes charge in December, and I'm sure once he moves from the BCCI to the ICC, he will think about the ICC's benefit, and that's what he should do.“Whenever anyone assumes such a role, he should only consider the interests of that organisation,” he said.There were reports of Pakistan being offered additional financial incentives to accept the Hybrid Model, but Naqvi remained non-committal.Naqvi said all such decisions and the outcome of the ICC meeting will be conveyed to the Pakistan government, which will take a final call.(This report has been published as part of the auto-generated syndicate wire feed. Apart from the headline, no editing has been done in the copy by ABP Live.)
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