Indian tennis star Sania Mirza and her ex-husband, Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik, celebrated their son Izhaan Mirza Malik's sixth birthday in Dubai. Izhaan enjoyed special celebrations with both parents, who expressed their love and joy through heartfelt Instagram posts.“My baby boy I can’t believe you are 6. you are the reason for my smile 💙 Happy birthday laddu ❤️”One of the pictures captures Sania kissing Izhaan on the cheek, while another shows the birthday boy beaming next to his cake. The cake features a playful design of Ronaldo holding Izhaan's hand, with both sporting the iconic jersey number 7.Shoaib Malik in a post on Instagram wrote, “Happy birthday champ! May you have many more years filled with laughter and love Izzu🤍 Baba always has your back and may you grow up to make us all proud.”One follower on Shoaib's Instagram post commented, “There is a huge difference in bonding...the child is so shy this time as he is standing with an unknown person. It's really heartbreaking.”A user noted, "Izhaan has changed.. he is more comfortable with asad(his uncle) than his father.. he couldn’t even have an eye contact with his own father.."Another user claimed that Izhaan appeared disconnected, stating, “The child is disconnected with the vibe.”A third user expressed concern over Izhaan's happiness, saying, “Shoaib, you have consciously lost and destroyed your beautiful family.”Another penned, “When a child is emotionally disconnected it shows. Kids are real!”Also Read: Shoaib Malik gets married to Pakistani actor Sana Javed amid divorce rumours with Sania MirzaSania Mirza and Shoaib Malik welcomed their son, Izhaan Mirza Malik, in October 2018. Izhaan currently lives with Sania. On January 20, 2024, Shoaib announced on social media that he had remarried Pakistani actress Sana Javed. In response, Sania's family released a statement clarifying that she and Shoaib had been divorced for a few months.
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