World-renowned Indian tennis star Sania Mirza, the former wife of national cricketer Shoaib Malik, recently shared beautiful photos with her son, Izhaan Malik, on social media.On her official Instagram account, Sania posted pictures from her son’s sixth birthday, which have been circulating on social media. In the caption, she expressed disbelief at him turning six, wishing him a happy birthday and declaring, "You are the reason for my smile."The shared photos feature Izhaan with a special football-themed cake, adorned with characters of two footballers. One jersey reads "Izhaan," while the other has "Ronaldo," with the two holding hands.Social media users, including fans and celebrities, are congratulating Izhaan Malik on his birthday and expressing their best wishes on Sania's post.It's worth noting that in 2010, cricketer Shoaib Malik married tennis star Sania Mirza, and they welcomed their son Izhaan in 2018. However, the couple parted ways in 2023, with Shoaib Malik marrying actress Sanaa Javed earlier this year.Since their separation, Sania Mirza has been living in Dubai with her son.
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