Rohit Sharma's wife Ritika Sajdeh, who is expecting her second child with the India captain thanked Aaron Finch for having the player's back. Sajdeh tagged Finch on an Instagram post which reported how Finch disagreed with Sunil Gavaskar over the paternity leave issue during the Border-Gavaskar Trophy.Former Australia cricketer Aaron Finch came in support of India skipper Rohit Sharma as he’s likely to miss the first Test of the upcoming series vs Australia. India captain Rohit had earlier said that he was unsure about playing the first Test as he’s likely to miss it due to a personal reason.advertisementFinch disagreed with Gavaskar, who had commented on the matter. Gavaskar had said that vice-captain Jasprit Bumrah should be handed the captaincy for the entire series in case Rohit was to miss more than one game. Gavaskar’s comments haven’t gone down well with Finch who said that Rohit should be with his wife as it’s a special moment for his family. While the India skipper hasn’t confirmed the reason behind his absence, it’s been widely reported that he’s expecting his second child wife Ritika Sajdeh."I disagree with Sunny on that totally. Rohit Sharma is the captain of the Indian cricket team. If you need to stay at home because your wife's going to have a baby that's such a beautiful moment and you take all the time that you need in that regard," Finch said on Around the Wicket show in ESPNcricinfo.Ritika Sajdeh's reply on the Aaron Finch's statement for Indian Captain Rohit Sharma. ?? — Tanuj Singh (@ImTanujSingh) November 9, 2024Ritika saluting Finch's comments on Friday, November 8 made her stance clear on the matter. Earlier, Abhinav Mukund had revealed during the New Zealand Test series that Rohit was expecting a child with his wife Ritika and was unlikely to play the first match of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy.In Rohit's absence, Jasprit Bumrah is expected to lead the Indian team.Published By: Kingshuk Kusari Published On: Nov 9, 2024Tune In
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