IND vs AUS: Rohit Sharma’s lean patch in Tests continued in Adelaide as he was dismissed for just 6 runs, a 3-run improvement from his score in the first innings.Former Australia player Matthew Hayden, however, asked fans to not be disappointed in the Indian skipper’s performance, adding that it’s pretty difficult to play under pink ball conditions.“One remark quickly on Rohit Sharma. He plays cricket like he’s sitting on a leather lounge chair and reclining with a cup of coffee in his hands. You’ve got to admire the different styles that arrive at Test cricket. Virat Kohli, very hard at the ball, a busy player, really wants to get amongst it. Rohit Sharma’s too easy. He’s more in the category of the Mark Waugh’s, the Shubman Gills. They make cricket look easy. It’s very easy for us that makes it as well to make the comments around, well, that was a soft way to get out. But it’s the one thing that we actually admire the most about someone like Rohit Sharma who seemingly does have a lot of time to play,” Hayden said on Star Sports.Advertisement“Folks, don’t be too disappointed. He got an absolute jaffer of a delivery. In fact, he got a great sequence of deliveries in the short time that he was out there under these lights. And I’ve watched pink ball Test matches as we all have closely for a number of years here. And when it comes to the night game with the new pink ball, it is horrendous. It’s so technically difficult. It exposes everyone and anyone,” he added.India are trailing by 29 runs in their second innings with Rohit, Virat Kohli, KL Rahul, Shubman Gill and Yashasvi Jaiswal all back in the pavilion. Rishabh Pant and Nitish Reddy are currently holding fort for the visitors.
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