Forme Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Akhtar caught with Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor on the sidelines of the International League T20 tournament in UAE. The video of duo interacting in UAE was shared by Shoaib Akhtar on his Instagram.In the video, which featured a song from Shahid's famous movie Kabir Singh in the background, Akhtar and the Bollywood actor were seen having a word with each other while another former cricketer - Harbhajan Singh - astutely observed them. Shahid seemed to acknowledge Harbhajan's presence as he had a tap on his shoulder during the video.“Lovely running into @shahidkapoor at @ilt20official .” Akhtar wrote on his Instagram.Earlier in the day, Shahid along with the cast of his upcoming film ‘Deva’ had performed at the opening ceremony of the IP20 season 3.Meanwhile, Akhtar, who joined IL20 during the tournament's second season, is continuing his role as the tournament's ambassador. He will also be joined by Harbhajan Singh in the commentary box.Netizens react to Shahid - Shoaib meeting: One user on Instagram, while reacting to the video wrote, “I see two Kabir Singhs here.One is of movie and another one is of cricket... Fearless”“Shoaib sir as a 90s kid, I am missing your bowling action..lots of love from India” wrote another user
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