Women's Tennis Falls to #5 Wesleyan and #17 Christopher Newport

The Hope College women's tennis team completed Florida play against two top-ranked teams in the nation.

The 37th-ranked Flying Dutch (6-35 fell to both #5 Wesleyan College, 7-0, and to #17 Christopher Newport University, 5-2 on Friday and Saturday.

Hope picked up wins against the Captains of Christopher Newport in No. 3 doubles, as well as No. 3 and 5 singles slots.

Against Wesleyan:

1D: Lane Durkin/Sarah Youngberg (WES) def. Amanda Lopykinski / Sullivan Moran (HPE), 6-2.

2D: Alexandra Burnett/Lucina Gatsiounis (WES) def. Hadey Krygier/ Miyako Coffey (HPE), 6-3

3D: Jackie Soloveychik/Macie Carlos (WES) def. Madison Wei / Phoebe Walker (HPE), 6-2.

1S:Jackie Soloveychik (WES) def. Amanda Lopykinski (HPE), 6-1, 6-0

2S: Lane Durkin (WES) def. Hadley Krygier (HPE), 6-2, 6-0

3S: Sarah Youngberg (WES) def. Sullivan Moran (HPE), 6-1, 6-0

4S: Lucinda Gatsiounis (WES) def. Miyako Coffey (HPE), 6-0, 6-2

5S: Alexandra Burnett (WES) def. Madison Wei (HPE), 6-0, 6-0

6S: Macie Carlos (WES) def. Kaitlyn Stievater (HPE), 7-5, 6-0

Against Christopher Newport:

1D: Kylie Schaefer/Weis Raine (CNU) def. Amanda Lopykinski / Sullivan Moran (HPE), 7-5

2D: Kendal Chang/Samantha Robertson (CNU) def. Hadley Krygier /MiyakoCoffey (HPE), 6-0

3D: Madison Wei / Phoebe Walker (HPE) def. Erin Gross/Eva Taylor(CNU), 7-5

1S:Kylie Schaefer (CNU) def. Hadley Krygier (HPE), 4-6, 6-4, 6-4

2S: Kendal Chang (CNU) def. Amanda Lopykinski (HPE), 6-3, 7(7)-6(2)

3S: Sullivan Moran (HPE) def. Eva Taylor (CNU), 6-1, 6-1

4S: Samantha Robertson (CNU) def. Miyako Coffey (HPE), 6-0, 6-1

5S: Madison Wei (HPE) def. Lindsey Bergelin (CNU), 6-2, 0-6, 6-2

6S: Erin Gross (CNU) def. Phoebe Walker (HPE), 6-1, 3-6, 6-4

Hope returns to Holland and opens MIAA play as the defending title holders on Tuesday, March 25 as they host Alma College at 4 p.m. at VandePoel-Heeringa Stadium Courts.

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