Sri Lanka Cricket’s chief Shammi Silva succeeded Hay Shah as the president of the Asian Cricket Council, the apex body announced through a statement a Friday.“The Asian Cricket Council (ACC) is pleased to announce that Mr. Shammi Silva, President of Sri Lanka Cricket, has officially assumed the Presidency of the ACC.“Mr. Silva brings extensive expertise to the role, having served as the Chairman of the ACC Finance & Marketing Committee for several years,” read an official media release from ACC.ALSO READ: SA vs SL 2nd Test: South Africa’s Rickelton scores maiden Test century against Sri Lanka on Day 1Silva was supposed to assume office, earlier in 2024 but he proposed an extension of Jay Shah’s term, who had remained in charge since 2021. As Shah started his tenure as the president of the International Cricket Council, Silva took the top spot in Asia.“It is a great honour to lead the Asian Cricket Council. Cricket is the heartbeat of Asia, and I look forward to working closely with all member nations to elevate the game, provide opportunities for emerging talent, and strengthen the bonds that unite us through this beautiful sport,” Silva said.Silva played cricket for the Colombo Cricket Club in 1983/84 and captained the side. He was a member, manager and coach of the Sri Lanka squash national team.
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