MS Dhoni, who will play for Chennai Super Kings in IPL 2025, has revealed that he is not hundred percent fit. Tte 43-year-old will compete in his 18th season of the tournament, having been retained by the five-time champions as an uncapped player for INR 4 crore.He underwent surgery to fix his knee after the 16th season of the league and was declared fit for the 17th edition. The veteran was again impacted by fitness issues in the previous season. He scored his runs at a strike rate of 220.54 in 14 outings.He recently spoke about his fitness. “I am not fit as I used to be and the efforts are needed to play in the IPL. I have to be very specific as far as my food habits are concerned. I am doing my stuff to stay fit for cricket. We are not fast bowlers so our needs are not intense,” he told Eurogrip Tyres.“I play a lot of sports like tennis, badminton and football. It helps me to stay fit. I also go to the gym to remain fit,” he added.Dhoni is the most successful IPL captain with 133 wins in 226 matches.
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