New Delhi: The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) will not have any other option but to organise the ICC Champions Trophy in the 'Hybrid Model' as the BCCI has intimated the global body about India's inability to travel to the neighbouring nation. As reported earlier, India will play all its matches in Dubai and the high-profile India vs Pakistan match will also be held in the UAE."This is an ICC event and BCCI has informed the global body that it won't travel to Pakistan. It will depend on ICC to inform the host nation about the development and then close in on the scheduling of the tournament. The convention is to announce the schedule 100 days prior to the commencement of the event," a BCCI source told PTI on conditions of anonymity. The PCB chairman Mohsin Naqvi in a press conference had said that his board has not received any official communication from the BCCI, but it is the ICC's prerogative as the principal organisers to intimate Pakistan about the latest development.ALSO ON ABP Live | Gautam Gambhir To Be Sacked From Team India's Head Coach Position After BGT? Report Makes Shocking ClaimsThe PCB has maintained that it has not received any official communication from the global body also. Naqvi, who is also a federal interior minister in the current regime of his nation, also said if India doesn't come to Pakistan he will have to consult his government for further directive.It is understandable that Dubai is the best location for India's matches as it has the highest capacity among three stadiums, and all the essential infrastructure is well in place after hosting the Women's T20 World Cup last month.(This report has been published as part of the auto-generated syndicate wire feed. Apart from the headline, no editing has been done in the copy by ABP Live.)
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